*									      *
*  04/20/13								      *
*									      *
*  This C64 subroutine checks for duplicate cycles.  The calling sequence of  *
*  the subroutine is;							      *
*									      *
*     gop (packed (L+2K,K) value) => a4 				      *
*     MINP[0] (MSW of current minimum) => b4				      *
*     MINP[1] (LSW of current minimum) => a6				      *
*     address of gom (previous packed (L+2K,K) and minimum values) => b6      *
*     gomind (number of previous values) => a8				      *
*									      *
*  A return value of 0 indicates that the cycle is a duplicate. 	      *
*									      *
	.global _check
_check: ldw.d2 *b6++[2], a9   ; load gom
||	add.l1x b6, 4, a3     ; load address of gom[1]
||	sub.l2x a8, 1, b2     ; load loop count
||	addab.d1 a4, 0, a7    ; save gop
||	mvk.s1 1, a4	      ; set flag
||	mvk.s2 1, b0	      ; set flag

	ldw.d1 *a3++[3], b5   ; load MIN[0]
||	ldw.d2 *b6++[1], a5   ; load MIN[1]

	ldw.d2 *b6++[2], a9   ; load gom
||	bdec.s2 aloop, b2     ; conditional branch to loop beginning

	ldw.d1 *a3++[3], b5   ; load MIN[0]
||	ldw.d2 *b6++[1], a5   ; load MIN[1]

	ldw.d2 *b6++[2], a9   ; load gom
||	bdec.s2 aloop, b2     ; conditional branch to loop beginning

	cmpeq.l1 a9, a7, a1   ; compare gom to gop
||	ldw.d1 *a3++[3], b5   ; load MIN[0]
||	ldw.d2 *b6++[1], a5   ; load MIN[1]
||	zero.l2 b1	      ; clear flag
*  begin loop  *
   [a1] cmpeq.l2 b5, b4, b1   ; compare MIN[0] to MINP[0]
|| [a1] cmpeq.l1 a5, a6, a2   ; compare MIN[1] to MINP[1]
||	and.s1x b1, a2, a0    ; "and" conditions
||	ldw.d2 *b6++[2], a9   ; load gom
|| [b0] bdec.s2 aloop, b2     ; conditional branch to loop beginning

   [a0] mpy.m1 a4, 0, a4      ; clear flag
||[!a1] zero.l2 b1	      ; clear flag
|| [a0] zero.s2 b0	      ; clear flag
||	cmpeq.l1 a9, a7, a1   ; compare gom to gop
||	ldw.d1 *a3++[3], b5   ; load MIN[0]
||	ldw.d2 *b6++[1], a5   ; load MIN[1]
*  end loop  *
	b.s2 b3 	      ; return
||	and.s1x b1, a2, a0    ; "and" conditions

   [a0] mpy.m1 a4, 0, a4      ; clear flag

	nop 4